How do I use the research databases and e-journals if I'm not on campus?

I'd like to use Academic Search Premier and some other databases when I'm at home, but the system keeps asking for a username and password. How do I get in?


Current Students, Faculty and Staff are entitled to use subscription research databases and e-journals outside the campus network (i.e., at home!) All you need is your CCSU email and password. Go to the Accounts Management page if you need to activate, reset password, or retrieve a BlueNet account.

You can login to a specific database such as Academic Search Premier through the library's Databases A to Z list. Alternatively, you can do a larger search of all library resources, then link to individual articles provided by the database subscription through CentralSearch (where you will need to login). Both methods are illustrated below:


To sign in through CentralSearch:

  1. Click on Sign In / My Account in the upper right cornerClick on Guest for login
  2. Click Sign InClick on Sign In icon
  3. For your phone or tablet, SIGN IN will be behind the dots.Mobile Sign In dots screenshot
  4. Current CCSU students, faculty, staff - choose CCSU users to login using your CCSU email / password. (All others should use the "Guest users" login & contact the Circulation Desk if there are issues.)CentralSearch Login Overlay for CCSU users OR guests
  5. Enter your CCSU email address and password at the Office 365 login promptCentralSearch Login via Office 365
  6. Choose whether or not to stay signed in, if necessaryCentralSearch Login via Office 365, dialog to say logged in
  7. You will know that you are logged in when you see your name in the upper right corner.Image of what it looks like when you've successfully logged in - your name will appear in the upper right hand corner

*** Please note: You may be blocked from accessing our databases at work, but it should not happen from home. Please contact the library if you are having issues getting into a database.


  • Last Updated Jan 11, 2019
  • Views 1742
  • Answered By Circulation Desk

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